Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Biology photosynthesis coursework

Biology photosynthesis coursework

biology photosynthesis coursework

The course will include a visit to an electron microscope to allow students to directly observe proteins involved in photosynthesis. This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly “Photosynthesis Steps:” During the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide enters through the stomata, water is absorbed by the root hairs from the soil and is carried to the leaves through the xylem vessels. Chlorophyll absorbs the light energy from the sun to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Biology Coursework: Rate of Photosynthesis Aim To investigate a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis. Outline A piece of pond weed will be cut and placed into a beaker containing water and sodium hydrogen carbonate. A lamp will be shined on to the pond weed and the amount of bubbles released from the plant will be counted for 1 minute.3/5

Photosynthesis: Life from Light | Biology | MIT OpenCourseWare

Biology Coursework : Rate of Photosynthesis Aim To investigate a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis. Outline A piece of pond weed will be cut and placed into a beaker containing water and sodium hydrogen carbonate. A lamp will be shined on to the pond weed and the amount of bubbles released from the plant will be counted for 1 minute. The lamp will be adjusted to different distances from the plant to try and obtain different results. Background In Previous experiments leading up to this one, we have seen that plants are able to photosynthesis better when there is plenty of light.

As long as there are no other limiting factors this should be true. When chlorophyll absorbs light energy, the light energy cannot be immediately used for energy conversion. Instead the light energy is transferred to a special protein environment where energy conversion occurs. This happens by using the energy of a photon to transfer electrons from a chlorophyll pigment to the next. When enough light energy has been harnessed at a reaction centre, ATP can be synthesized from ADP, biology photosynthesis coursework.

During this reaction, oxygen is produced as a by-product and it is the oxygen bubbles that are being measured in the experiment. The greater the light intensity, the more light energy that can be transferred and harnessed to fuel reaction in photosynthesis. read more. Put in the measured amount of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 6. Place the ruler so that the "0" biology photosynthesis coursework is aligned with the side of the beaker.

Distance measured from side of beaker to edge of light bulb 7. Take a control test with the lamp off. This means no light is present, and there should not be any bubbles. Place the lamp directly in front of the plant so that it biology photosynthesis coursework the desired distance away from the beaker, biology photosynthesis coursework. With the light shining on the plant, record the number of bubbles emitted in a 1 minute duration, biology photosynthesis coursework.

Switch off the lamp and wait for another minute before taking another reading. Take 2 readings at the current distance and move the lamp 5 cm further away from the plant. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until 2 readings from at least 5 intervals of 5 cm have been taken.

Proceed to the data analysis stage, biology photosynthesis coursework. Results Distance Bubbles1 Bubbles2 Bubbles3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Conclusion From the results that I have biology photosynthesis coursework I can state that an increase in light intensity certainly does increase the rate of photosynthesis. As was also expected in my prediction, the relationship between light intensity and the rate of photosynthesis was non-linear.

From both graphs there is a best-fit curved line. This means that the rate of photosynthesis increases biology photosynthesis coursework an exponential rate. Some oxygen is also used during the respiration of the plant. But since only bubbles were counted, the volume of bubbles was not as important. During the high intensities I had experienced counting difficulties of the bubbles being produced, biology photosynthesis coursework.

There are also factors affecting accuracy at low light intensities. With low light intensity, the pond weed receives some light energy from background light such as sunlight biology photosynthesis coursework through curtains or the light from the lamp of another student's experiment. To eliminate most all background light, biology photosynthesis coursework, the experiment must be performed in a completely dark room.

Even then, some of biology photosynthesis coursework light from the lamp in my experiment would reflect of the table and reach the plant though this amount of light is probably insignificant in affecting the rate of photosynthesis. Temperature was also another factor that was controlled by the lamp being used.

Even though a perspex sheet was used in front of the lamp to prevent some heat from reaching the plant, biology photosynthesis coursework, not all the heat can be blocked.

The method of the experiment could probably also be improved to obtain more reliable results. I had originally chosen to count the number of bubbles in one minute but this produced miscounts in the readings. If during a repeated experiment, counting bubbles is still used, there is a smaller chance for human error when counting within a smaller biology photosynthesis coursework frame.

During high rates of photosynthesis, it would still be difficult and impractical to measure the volume of oxygen produced for a long duration. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Green Plants as Organisms section.

Get Full Access Now or Learn more. This is an average write up which contains biology photosynthesis coursework background information on photosynthesis and limiting factors. There are no results or graph included so it is difficult to establish whether the conclusion is reliable. See related essays. of photosynthesis also increases resulting in more oxygen being produced, thus more bubbles. initial quantity Evaluation: The anomalous result could be due to human inaccuracy and lack of advanced equipment.

and it will be maintained by the use of damp cotton wool. Temperature Above a certain level, an increase in temperature has an orthokinetic effect and the speed of movement rises until heat stroke and death intervene. Equally, below a certain level activity again increases i. Analysis: From the results that have been obtained it is clear to see that they indicate that as the concentration of carbon dioxide is increased so does the rate of photosynthesis, in simple terms as the amount in grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate is increased the number of bubbles released.

the same, but also faster the fermentation, because the yeast works better at the temperature around 45?. We use the same amount of yeast for each boiling tubes 3 grams of yeastthis can keep the amount of the catalyst the same, biology photosynthesis coursework, and we use the same size of boiling, biology photosynthesis coursework.

Extra points on fair testing We must make sure that this test is fair because if it is not a fair test we will be obtaining the wrong results.

First of all, and most importantly, we will have to get the measurements and the weights of the solutions and the potatoes as exact, and as accurate as possible, biology photosynthesis coursework. My graph fits and matches my prediction. My graph shows that the potato cells increase in mass in solutions with a high water concentration and decrease in mass in solutions with a low water concentration.

This can be rephrased to potato cells increase in mass in solutions with low sucrose concentration and decrease in mass in high sucrose concentration. Petri dishes 40� and 25�, and one more bean has started to germinate in each.

No germinating beans or other changes is present in the dishes that were in �, 4�, and 60�. cfm- Information given about Nitrophoska fertilizer and its components, biology photosynthesis coursework, benefits and other facts, biology photosynthesis coursework. pdf- Information given about Urea fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts.

htm- Information given on biology photosynthesis coursework essential nutrients needed by plants and how the plants benefit from those nutrients. Biology photosynthesis coursework essay has been marked by a teacher! Sign up to view the whole essay and download a PDF with full teacher's notes. Don't have an account yet?

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Search Search Get Full Access Now. Join over 1. Home GCSE Science Biology Green Plants as Organisms. Page 1. Level : Biology photosynthesis coursework Subject : Science Word count : Biology photosynthesis coursework View my saved documents Submit similar document. Share this Facebook. Biology Coursework : Rate of Photosynthesis. Extracts from this document Introduction Biology Coursework : Rate of Photosynthesis Aim To investigate a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis, biology photosynthesis coursework.

Middle 5. Conclusion Some oxygen is also used during the respiration of the plant. The above preview is unformatted text. Found what you're looking for? Here's what a teacher thought of this essay 3 star s. Not the one? Search for your essay title Related GCSE Green Plants as Organisms essays How the molar concentration of NaHCO3 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate affects the rate of photosynthesis An Investigation into the Effects that Different Light Intensities have on the Speed biology photosynthesis coursework Experiment to investigate the effect of Carbon Dioxide on the Rate of Photosynthesis Analysis: From the results that have been obtained it is clear to see that they indicate that as the concentration of carbon dioxide is increased so does the rate of photosynthesis, in simple terms as the amount in grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate is increased the number of bubbles released.

Factor affecting the rate of fermentation, biology photosynthesis coursework. Determine the water potential of potato tuber cell with the varying affect of solute Investigation osmosis in potato cells My graph fits and matches my prediction. What are the best conditions for the germination of mung beans? See more essays. Overpieces of student written work Annotated by experienced teachers Ideas and feedback to improve your own work.

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Photosynthesis (UPDATED)

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biology photosynthesis coursework

“Photosynthesis Steps:” During the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide enters through the stomata, water is absorbed by the root hairs from the soil and is carried to the leaves through the xylem vessels. Chlorophyll absorbs the light energy from the sun to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Biology Coursework: Rate of Photosynthesis Aim To investigate a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis. Outline A piece of pond weed will be cut and placed into a beaker containing water and sodium hydrogen carbonate. A lamp will be shined on to the pond weed and the amount of bubbles released from the plant will be counted for 1 minute.3/5 The course will include a visit to an electron microscope to allow students to directly observe proteins involved in photosynthesis. This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly

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