Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Gay adoption essay

Gay adoption essay

gay adoption essay

Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Adoption. Destiny Quinonez English October 28, Essay #4 There are millions of kids all over the world waiting to become part of a family and thousands of couples or families looking to adopt each year. The lack of acceptable straight couples, gay adoption can provide numerous kids with the loving home they need. Same sex Therefore, the analysis of adoption by gay couples and how child rearing takes place, mainly based on reliable scientific studies, is of paramount importance. Informing Mexican society and subsequently achieving the legalization of adoption at the national level will allow institutionalizing the idea that the adoption itself is for the benefit of the child, regardless of whether the parents Gay Adoption Essays. Essay examples Essay topics 4 essay samples found. The Adoption Rights for same Sex Marriages. The Adoption Rights for same Sex Marriages. Before the s, adoption was an informal process where all the parties knew each other. The first adoption law passed in Texas was in and it required the adoption process to be filed

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — LGBT — Gay Couples Raising Children: Analysis Of Gay Adoption, gay adoption essay. Any subject. Any type of essay. In addition to the few states that have approved equal marriage, there are fewer those that allow same-sex couples to adopt a child. Therefore, the analysis of adoption by gay couples and how child gay adoption essay takes place, mainly based on reliable scientific studies, is of paramount importance. Informing Mexican society and subsequently achieving the legalization of adoption at the national level will allow institutionalizing the idea that the adoption itself is for the benefit of the child, regardless of whether the parents form a same-sex couple and thus dilute the prejudices that still last.

Therefore, we can affirm that the authorities and also society have the obligation to guarantee children the gay adoption essay possible adoption and with this allow them to improve their quality of life. However, it is currently argued that gay adoption essay is better for a child to be adopted by heterosexual couples due to the possibility of physical or psychological damage to the child during parenting.

Contrary to the above, gay adoption essay, there are several gay adoption essay studies that support the adoption and upbringing of children by homosexual couples. Some of these studies have analyzed the effect of different parental models on the upbringing of adopted children, gay adoption essay.

From the above, we can affirm that not a few reliable psychiatric and psychological studies prove that children who are raised by a gay couple will not be affected in their health or development, compared to those raised by heterosexual couples. They present ambiguous hypotheses, analyze cases that were premeditated and these are too particular to validate the supposed negative or positive consequences.

It is then the quality of the parents in the upbringing that will determine the psychological and social development of the children, not their sexual orientation or gender.

In this sense, we can also affirm that the restriction of adoption exclusively to heterosexual couples lacks an objective and reasonable argument, in addition to being an act of discrimination, since their discourse is based as already mentioned above is an assumption physical and psychological harm to the child.

It is necessary to mention that the legal recognition of homoparental families for adoption will allow children of same-sex couples to obtain legal certainty and will contribute to gradually eliminating prejudices that until today persist in Mexican society and are frequently reproduced at the state level in congresses, by public officials, etc.

The above will have a positive impact on different levels: gay adoption essay society, in the LGBT community, in the parents, but mainly it will contribute to the well-being of the child, which should be the main objective.

Conclusions We can conclude that homosexuality is not a psychological or psychiatric disorder, gay adoption essay, but a variant of sexual preference. It has been proven that most homosexual people have healthy and productive lives, the same as for their relationships. So, the gay adoption essay that heterosexual couples will be better fathers than same-sex couples and that children raised by homosexual fathers or mothers will not grow or develop properly, do not have scientific support; the sexual orientation of the parents does not affect the psychological or physical health of the child.

It has been shown that children of parents of the same sex do not show psychological or behavioral alterations and there is no evidence to the contrary. On the other hand, it has not been demonstrated that the sexual orientation of the parents interferes gay adoption essay the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child, it is well known that homosexuality is not determined by family factors.

In Mexico, we need to prioritize the well-being of children when discussing the issue, since children have gay adoption essay right to be part of a family, traditional or not. The State and the same society must begin to make judgments but based on scientific studies and also, adhering to the existing legal framework regarding the rights of children.

Likewise, the State, together with the media, has the obligation to disseminate and promote respect and tolerance in Mexican society towards homosexual couples and their rights. This is because homosexual couples are increasing in our country and worldwideand their role in societies is increasingly important, so society must learn to respect diversity.

To carry out the above, objective and quality research that allows the State and society to know the positive or negative consequences on children who are adopted by same-sex couples must be encouraged. Unfortunately in our country, homoparental adoption has as a negative consequence that the child is exposed to an intolerant society, which constantly indicates his status as a child adopted by a same-sex couple, which breaks with the image of the traditional family.

As mentioned several times, there is no evidence that adoption by gay couples is harmful to children. The studies cited in this work have shown that there are no significant differences between the development of children raised by same-sex parents and children raised by heterosexual couples. Likewise, studies conducted by UNAM gay adoption essay the above. Bibliography American Psychologhical Association. American Psychological Association. Basilio, Gay adoption essay Vidal.

Cancino, gay adoption essay, Fabiola. Dominguez de la Rosa, gay adoption essay, Laura. Roa, Wendy. Sepúlveda, Paulina. La Tercera. Siller, Aquiles, gay adoption essay. Político mx, gay adoption essay.

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US: LGBT Parents Face Adoption Discrimination

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gay adoption essay

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